Say Goodbye To Your Skin Type

You probably think you have a skin type. Oily, dry, combination, aging...the list goes on. And while there is definite value in viewing your skin through a lens that involves skin type, the buck doesn t stop there. At some point, skin type doesn t matter anymore. I know, that sounds questionable. But it s true- skin type just isn t all it s cracked up to be. There s more to the picture--much more.

To start, many people experience a change in their skin type as they get older. Sometimes oily skin becomes oilier, dry skin becomes much drier, and sometimes clear skin starts to break out. Changes in your skin as you age are normal, and the closer attention you pay to your skin the easier it will be to adjust your regimen. But aside from the natural changes of your skin as you age, what do you need to know about skin type and all the surrounding hype?

You need to know that most likely, what your skin needs is balance. Super dry, very oily and acneic skin types, not to mention the popular combination skin type, are all manifestations of skin that is craving balance. Yes, your skin will always have its individual needs, but there is a difference between the individuality of a person s skin and natural tendencies that have been exacerbated by poor care. No matter the skin type you think you have, one of the most useful tips for bringing it back to balance, and keeping it there for good is: use adaptogens.

These are private label skincare ingredients that help the skin to adapt to stress and function at its optimum capacity- all things necessary for balance. Adaptogenic skincare ingredients include Jojoba oil, Reishi mushroom and Gotu Kola extracts. You can find them in a multitude of serums, lotions, masks and even scrubs for daily use. You can also keep it really simple and just use plain Jojoba oil every day as a moisturizer or as an oil based cleanser.

Whatever your skin type is, focus less on trying to accommodate it and more on trying to bring it into balance. You might always be a little on the dry side, or need to exfoliate a little more than others, but the point is that your skin will be happy, nourished and taken care of. And with a continued effort and use of balancing private label skincare ingredients, you might find that your skin type really does change, after all.

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