The demands for scents and incense by the empires of antiquity, such as Egypt, Rome and Babylon, made Arabia one of the oldest trade centers of the world. The commerce of that time was plant material in every form imaginable. Empires traded and traveled on the inherent value of such sacred materials.
Today, our immediate and effortless access to such raw materials has diminished our capacity to value the incredible medicine that plant, flower, and resin oils provide for us. The old adage that familiarity breeds contempt is painfully true in this case. Oils today are denatured, bleached, adulterated, and cut with sub optimal materials. Artificial fragrances have pirated the rightful place of pure cold processed food grade anointing oils.
At RainShadow Labs, a call to honor and re-ennoble the sacred plant oils of the world is absolutely part of our mission and purpose. Providing our discerning customer base with non chemicalized scent options for their formulas and products is a yoke that we enthusiastically pick up and carry.
It is with this spirit that we are so pleased to offer you one more pure plant essential oil scent blend. We call it Luminescent because it is the smell of Light itself. The extremely unique and juxtaposed notes of citrus, flower, and wood come together for a truly sublime and dare we say . euphoric scent.
We have sourced very particular essential oil types for this delicate perfume in order to accommodate what we feel is a universally pleasing and healing aromatherapeutic scent.
For you!!!
Here at RSL, we are thrilled to have created a stepping stone to realize our prayer for ourselves and everyone and everything else. That prayer very specifically being that the light will always find us. Join us in smelling the Light. It is truly Divine!
Please click here today for your sample of Luminsecent Essential Oil Scent Blend.
We remain joyfully in service to you.