When it comes to vitamin C serum, we wax poetic a lot. But can you blame us?! It s the perfect product for every skin type; there s literally not a single skin type that couldn t benefit from its use. It s that good. Especially when it comes to the sunshine. Yep, vitamin C serum is the perfect private label skincare product to use when it s sunny out, and since summer is right around the corner, now s the time to make sure you ve got what you need to keep your skin protected.
The reason vitamin C serum is so key for the sunnier months is because vitamin C helps to protect the skin from photo damage. Photo damage is what happens to the skin when it s been exposed to harsh environmental factors like pollution and strong sunlight. It manifests as things like sun spots and fine lines, and tends to creep up on us pretty fast. Needless to say, it s a bummer to experience but thankfully, there are things you can do to minimize, if not totally prevent, the occurrence of photo damage.
While you might be tempted to simply avoid the sun by layering on sunscreen and wearing a hat, you actually don t have to do that in order to avoid photo damage. By using a high quality, potent and easily absorbable private label vitamin C serum, you effectively arm your skin against damaging factors like strong, harsh sunlight. Why? Because vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Using it daily means your skin gets a fresh dose of free radical scavenging and cellular protective antioxidants- exactly what it needs in order to survive (and even thrive under) the sun and other environmental factors.
And yes, using it regularly does make the effects more noticeable and effective- so don t wait until it s already summer to start incorporating it into your daily private label skincare routine! Additionally, it makes a fantastic summer moisturizer because it still delivers hydration but doesn t leave your skin feeling oily or bogged down. You can use it underneath your makeup and because it helps protect against photo damage it is great as an adjunct to any other things you do to keep your skin healthy and protected from sun damage.
There s no one product for every single person- but if there was, a high quality vitamin C serum would be it. Use yours daily for continued anti aging skincare love and allow your skin to cruise into the summer months looking clear, bright, juicy and ready to take on the sun.